Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's finally done!! The Fishy just needs a name...

Here are photos of my latest greatest funtastic project.  I have been wanting to do some 3D fiber sculpture.
Ideas have been milling around in my brain for months.  Well here he is complete with his passenger and habitat.  I even had enough time to make the clams, sea urchins and a hermit crab that live in the rock piles. 

Do you ever feel kind of sad when you finish a project that was so fun you lost all track of time.  I have no idea how many hours went into this but every minute was fun including enlisting the help of my handy husband to design the stand that holds him up.  Now I need to peruse my theasaurus for a name.
I would love it if you sent some suggestions.  Feel free to put ideas in the comment box here on my blog!!

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